Jerry Jones favors expanding replay review of pass interference

No one was happier than Cowboys owner Jerry Jones at last night’s pass interference that wasn’t — other than New Jersey governor Chris Christie maybe.

But even though the picked-up flag helped his team advance in the playoffs, Jones said he’d be in favor of expanding replay rules to include such calls in the future.

“I’ve never seen one get that far into the next play and ready to go again and have it reversed, but I think that’s a good thing,” Jones said, via Todd Archer of “If we’re going to stop action and we’re going to have replay and we’re going to have interpretation from New York — which I’m all for — and we’re going to do all that, then we might as well get ‘em all right. And, again, I think they made the right call in terms of not calling it. That’s why they picked it up. It’s not supposed to be.”

That part might be up for debate, and we sense there will be plenty more talk about it over the course of the day.
Jerry Jones favors expanding replay review of pass interference Jerry Jones favors expanding replay review of pass interference Reviewed by Mr. DCStands4 on 10:30:00 AM Rating: 5

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